FLASH NEWS ONAM BONUS AND FESTIVAL ALLOWANCE ANNOUNCED                                                                                                                                 

2019, ഏപ്രിൽ 26, വെള്ളിയാഴ്‌ച

LTC Orders

LTC Orders
26.02. 2011
 Recommendations of the 9th Pay Revision Commission –Implementation  of LTC   Orders issued.
G.O/(P) No. 85/2011/Fin Dated, 26th February, 2011

LTC to state govt employees introduction ordres
GO(P) No.713/2012 fin dated 31.12.2012
detailed guideline for Leave Travel Concession(LTC) Govt Order GO(P) No 5/2013/fin dtd 02-01-2013

LTC  head of accounts
Gop.no.317-13-fin dated 04.07.2013
Leave Travel Concession(LTC) -Destination change-Circular
Circular No.92 - 2018 - Fin dated 05-10-2018

 Leave Travel Concession(LTC) -Clarification-CircularNo. 10/2019/Fin  dtd 02-02-2019
Application Form LTC



G. O. (P) No. 144/2013/H&FWD 22.04.2013


2019, ഏപ്രിൽ 25, വ്യാഴാഴ്‌ച

HBA New Scheme Forms and NOC

Appendix I
Terms and conditions of the scheme
Appendix II
Application For NOC
Appendix III
No Objection Certificate (NOC)


Right to service Act, 2012
Kerala right to service bill , 2012 Rules
 Kerala right to service bill 2012 Rules (malayalam)


1)Who is eligible to join the Fund?

2)Is a re-employed pensioner eligible to join the Fund?

3)Is it necessary that one should complete one year service for joining the Fund?

4)What is the minimum amount of subscription?

5)What is the maximum amount of subscription?

6)Can the subscriber alter the rate of subscription?

7)How many GPF Accounts can a subscriber have?

8)How is subscription to GPF recovered?

9)When can a subscriber stop subscription to the Fund?

10) Why should a subscriber make a nomination?

11) What constitutes ‘family’ for the purpose of GPF Rules?

12) Is an adopted child a member of the family?

13) Can a subscriber nominate more than one person?

14) Can a subscriber revise the nomination once filed?

15) Can a subscriber nominate any person other than a family member?

16) What are the contingencies in which a nomination becomes invalid?

17) What are the main purposes for which Temporary Advance from General
ProvidentFund can be sanctioned?

18) Can a Temporary Advance be granted to one who is under suspension?

19) Can a Temporary Advance be granted to one who is on LWA for employment abroador on LWA for other purpose?

20) How is an advance recovered?

21) What is the maximum amount of Temporary Advance admissible?

22)How many Temporary Advances one can avail of during a year?

23) When can a Non Refundable Advance be allowed?

24) What are the purposes for which NRA is allowed?

25)What is the maximum amount of Non-Refundable Advance admissible?

26)How many Non-Refundable Advances one can avail of during his service?

27) Can a Temporary Advance be converted into Non-Refundable Advance?

28) When does a GPF amount become finally payable?
29) What is the procedure for final withdrawal (closure) of accumulation in the Fund?
30)Can any amount other than subscription and refund be credited to the GPF?
31) What are the Heads of Account under which GPF transactions are accounted for?

The General Provident Fund of the State Government employees is governed by the General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules 1964

1.Who is eligible to join the Fund?

All full members and part-time contingent employees of any pensionableservice.[Rule 6 (1) (a)] of GPF(K) and GO(P)No.127/2005/Fin dated17.03.2005

2.Is a re-employed pensioner eligible to join the Fund?

No. A re-employed pensioner is not admitted to the Fund. [Rule 6 (1) (c)]

3.Is it necessary that one should complete one year service for joining theFund?

No. Temporary, acting and officiating members who have not completedone year’s continuous service may also be admitted to the Fund. [Note 1 below Rule 6 (1) (d)]

4.What is the minimum amount of subscription?
Minimum subscription shall not be less than six per cent of the Basic Pay in thecase of full-time employees and 3% of the emoluments in the case of part-timecontingent employees. [Rule 11 (1) (b)]

5.What is the maximum amount of subscription?
Maximum amount of subscription shall not exceed the Basic Pay. [Rule 11 (1) (b)]22

6.Can the subscriber alter the rate of subscription?
Yes. A subscriber can enhance the rate of subscription twice, and canreduce the subscription once in a year. [Rule 11 (4) (a) & (b)]

7.How many GPF Accounts can a subscriber have?
Only one.
8.How is subscription to GPF recovered?
a)Deduction from the pay bills.
b)Cash remittance at treasury through chalans (while on foreign service or onleave or on deputation).c)Through Demand Draft (while on foreign service or on leave or ondeputation).
9. When can a subscriber stop subscription to the Fund?
1.Compulsory a)During the period of suspension.b)During last three months of service.
2.Optional a) During leave without allowances or leave on half-pay. b) At any time during the last one-year of service immediately preceding the date of retirement. [Rule 10]

10.Why should a subscriber make a nomination?
By filing a nomination in the form set forth in the First Schedule to the GPF (K)Rules the subscriber can confer on one or more persons the right to receive theamount that may stand to his credit in the Fund in the event of his/her death beforethat amount has become payable or having become payable has not been paid. [Rule 8]
11.What constitutes ‘family’ for the purpose of GPF Rules?
Family means:
(a)Wife—in the case of a male subscriber
(b)Husband—in the case of a female subscriber
(c)Minor Sons
(d)Unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters
(e)Major Sons (Sons who have attained legal majority)
(f)Married daughters
(i)Minor brothers
(j)Unmarried sisters
(k)Children of a pre-deceased son or daughter
(l)The paternal grand parents [Rule 2 (c) amended in G.O. (P)384/2006/Fin. Dated 26.9.2006]
12.Is an adopted child a member of the family?
Yes. Adopted children, step children and posthumous children are alsomembers of the family. [Note under Rule 2 (c) amended in G.O. (P)384/2006/Fin. Dated 26.9.2006]
13.Can a subscriber nominate more than one person?
Yes. But the subscriber should specify the share payable to each nominee insuch a manner as to cover the whole of the amount that stand to his credit in theFund. [Rule 8 (1)]
14.Can a subscriber revise the nomination once filed?
Yes. A subscriber may at any time cancel a nomination by sending anotice in writing provided that the subscriber shall along with such notice send afresh nomination made in accordance with the provisions of the Rules. [Rule 8 (1) (4)]
15.Can a subscriber nominate any person other than a family member?
If at the time of filing the nomination the subscriber has a family thenomination shall not be in favour of any other person(s) other than the members of his family.[Proviso to Rule 8 (1) (i)]

16.What are the contingencies in which a nomination becomes invalid?
a)A nomination filed by a subscriber who is not married shallbecome invalid on his getting married.
b)On happening of the contingencies specified in Column (5) of theNomination.

17.What are the main purposes for which Temporary Advance from GeneralProvident Fund can be sanctioned?

a)To meet expenses in connection with prolonged illness of thesubscriber/members of his family/any person actually dependenton him or to repay a loan taken for this purpose.
b)To pay for the overseas passage for reasons of health oreducation of the subscriber/members of his family/any personactually dependent on him.
c)To meet the cost of education of the subscriber or of any personactually dependent on him outside India for academic, technical,professional or vocational courses or in India for medical,engineering or other technical or specialized courses beyond theHigh School stage, provided that the course of study is for notless than three years.
d)To pay obligatory expenses in connection with marriages,funerals or ceremonies which by the religious or social customsof the applicant it is incumbent on him to perform or to repay anyloan taken for this purpose.
e)To meet expenses in connection with the marriage and otherceremonies of the subscriber himself.
h)To meet the cost of General Education of subscriber or of anychild of his in India beyond the High School stage for UniversityDegrees like BA, B Sc., LLB, MA, M Sc. Etc
.i)To purchase consumer durables such as Television, VideoCassette Player/Recorder, Washing Machine, Cooking Range,Geysers, Computers etc.[Rule 16 (1) (a)]

18.Can a Temporary Advance be granted to one who is under suspension?
Yes. A Temporary Advance may be granted to a subscriber who is undersuspension provided he agrees in writing to the recovery of the advance beingmade in monthly installments from the Subsistence Allowance sanctioned tohim.[Note 2 under Rule 16 (1) (a) (vii)]
19.Can a Temporary Advance be granted to one who is on LWA for employmentabroad or on LWA for other purpose?
Yes. A Temporary Advance may be granted to one who is on LWA foremployment abroad or on LWA for other purpose provided he is makingsubscriptions to the Fund during such periods and will refund the advance.[G.O. No. (P) 79/05/Fin. Dated 11.02.2005]
20.How is an advance recovered?
In equal monthly installments of not less than 12 (unless the subscriber soelects) but not more than 36. A subscriber may at his option repay two or moreinstallments in a month.[Rule 17 (1)]
21.What is the maximum amount of Temporary Advance admissible?
Seventy-five per cent of the credit balance subject to (3a-b)/4 formula, where a =the credit balance; b = outstanding balance of the previous advance(s). [Rule 16 (1) (d) (i)]
22.How many Temporary Advances one can avail of during a year?
Two. There shall be a time gap of six months between the date of drawal ofthe previous advance and the sanction of the next advance.[Rule 16 (2) (ii)]
23.When can a Non Refundable Advance be allowed?
It may be sanctioned at any time after completion of 15 years of service(including broken periods of service, leave without allowances, suspension, militaryand war service which are reckoned for the purpose of pension, pensionable serviceunder Government of India/other State Governments/aided educational institutions ifthe PF deposits and interest thereon during the service have been transferred andcredited to the Fund) or within 10 years of the date of retirement.
It may not be sanctioned
(i )during the last three months of service
(ii) while onleave preparatory to retirement
 (iii) after exercising option under Rule 30 (c) whichpermits the subscriber to close the account before retirement
 (iv) after submitting theclosure application.The advance can be drawn during the period of suspension also.[Rule 28 (A) (1)].

24.What are the purposes for which Non-Refundable Advance is allowed?
a)To meet the cost of higher education including travelling expenses, if any, ofany child of the subscriber, and if he has no child, of any other relativeactually dependent on him
(i) for education outside India for academic,technical, professional or vocational courses beyond the High School stageand
(ii) for any Medical, Engineering or other Technical or specialized coursein India beyond the High School stage, provided that the course of study isfor not less than three years.
b)To meet the expenditure in connection with the marriage of a son or daughterand if he has no daughter of any other female relative dependent on him orto repay a loan taken for this purpose.

c)To meet the expenditure in connection with the illness including travellingexpense of the subscriber/members of his family/any person actuallydependent on him or to repay any loan taken for this purpose.

d)To purchase land in the name of the subscriber and/or his wife or to repayany loan taken for this purpose.

e)To acquire house-site in the name of the subscriber and/or his wife or torepay any loan taken for this purpose.

f)To construct a house or to repay any loan taken for this purpose.

g)To acquire a suitable house or to repay any loan taken for this purpose.

h)To acquire a ready-built flat or to repay any loan taken for this purpose.
i)To make additions, alterations or reconstruction of a house owned by thesubscriber and/or his wife or to repay any loan taken for this purpose.
j)To maintain and repair or upkeep of house owned by the subscriber and/orhis wife or to repay any loan taken for this purpose.
k)To purchase a car, scooter, motor cycle or cycle or to repay any loan takenfor this purpose.
l)To purchase consumer durables such as Television, VCD, VCR, WashingMachine, Cooking Range, Geysers, Computers etc. [Rule 28 (A) (1) and G.O. (P) No.82/2005/Fin. Dated 16.02.2005]

25.What is the maximum amount of Non-Refundable Advance admissible?

It shall not exceed seventy-five per cent of the credit balance.[Rule 28 (B) (i)]

26.How many Non-Refundable Advances one can avail of during his service?
Any number. Only one withdrawal can be allowed for the same purpose. In thiscontext, marriage/education of different sons/daughters/relatives actually dependenton the subscriber and illness of the subscriber or dependent on different occasionswill not be treated as the same purpose. Regarding educational expenses awithdrawal will be permitted for meeting the expenses for each year of education. [Government Decision (2) (a) under Rule 28 A (1)]

27.Can Temporary Advances be converted into Non-Refundable Advances?
Yes. Temporary Advances can be converted into Non-Refundable Advances. [Rule 28 (C)]

28.When does GPF amount become finally payable?

On retirement on superannuation, voluntary retirement, resignation,compulsory retirement, death, dismissal and removal from service.

29.What is the procedure for final withdrawal (closure) of accumulation in theFund?

The application (in Form E) duly filled in and signed by thesubscriber/claimant(s) is to be submitted to the department. The Head of Office willfill up the relevant columns and certificates and forward the same to the AccountantGeneral along with requisite documents. If the Head of Office is not a GazettedOfficer, the application shall be countersigned by the Gazetted superior.
 The Accountant General will close the account and will issue authorization forpayment. In case of Non-Gazetted subscribers and in death cases, theauthorizations will be issued in favour of their Heads of Office, whereas in the caseof Gazetted subscribers the authorizations will be issued in their names.Documents to be attached to the Closure Applicationa)A statement of deposits and withdrawals (ABCD Statement) after the issue ofthe latest credit card. The statement shall be certified by the Drawing andDisbursing Officer in the case of Non-Gazetted subscribers and by theTreasury Officer in the case of Gazetted subscribers.b)Declaration as prescribed in Government Circular No.89/85/Fin. Dated16.10.1985.c)Option under Rule 30 (c) applicable to those who apply for the closure anddesire to accept the fund balance before retirement.d)A fresh nomination. e)In death cases, the original nomination shall invariably be attached.f)A copy of the latest credit card, if available.g)Pass Book, if any.
30.Can any amount other than subscription and refund be credited to the GPF?
Arrears of dearness allowance and pay revision arrears are credited to the GPFunder specific orders of the Government. Lumpsum refund of outstanding TemporaryAdvance is also permissible.

2019, ഏപ്രിൽ 24, ബുധനാഴ്‌ച

Kerala Govt employees HBA Orders

HBA Orders


House Building Advance for State Government Employees-HBA Availing bank financing with interest subvention

GO(P)No.105/2018/Fin dtd 05-07-2018




House Building Advance for State Government Employees - Availing bank financing with interest subvention.

GO(P) No 143 - 2018-Fin dated 11-09-2018



House Building Advance sanctioned to State Government Employees from 200940 onwards -Transfer of Principal portion of Housing Loan Portfolio to Punjab National Bank and Federal Bank Ltd.GO(P) No 150 - 2018-Fin dated 25-09-2018




ouse Building Advance sanctioned to State Government Employees from 2009-10 onwards - Transfer of Principal portion of Housing Loan Portfolio to Punjab National Bank and Federal Bank Ltd-Operating Procedure for repayment to banks

.GO(P) No 166 - 2018-Fin dated 26-10-2018




House Building Advance sanctioned to State Government Employees-revised guidelines published No6/2019 fin  dated18-01-2019




Housing loan - for not utilizing the sanctioned loan amount and for not complying with the housing loan rules - imposes a fine.

GO(P) No.53/2019/Fin Dated 03-05-2019




House building Loan 2020-21