Paternity Leave
Introduced in 2009 Pay Revision
w.e.f. 26-02-2011 vide GO(P) No.85/2011/Fin Dated 26.02.2011. Granted to
male Govt employees for 10 days each for two children, at the time of delivery
of his wife.
Paternity leave will be granted for
a period of 10 days during the confinement of his wife for child birth ie upto
10 days before or upto 3 months from the date of delivery of the child, subject
to the production of a certificate from the medical practitioner stating the
exact date of the delivery.
During that period of 10 days, he
shall be paid leave salary as admissible under Rule 92 KSR I. (Earned leave
salary and allowances).It will be allowed to be combined with other kinds of
leave, except LWA under Appendix XII A,B and C.
This leave shall not be debited
against the leave account, but details of the leave should be entered in the
Service Book of the employee and also in the Register of Special Leave referred
to in the Government Decision below Rule 106.
If paternity leave is not availed of
within the time limit, it shall be treated as lapsed. Combination of this
leave with casual leave is not admissible, as Casual leave is not recognized as
a leave proper.
leave to male government employees Guidelines
Dated 11.08.2011
Paternity leave to male PSU employees Guidelines
GO(P)No.272/2013,Fin Dated 05.06.2013
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