FLASH NEWS ONAM BONUS AND FESTIVAL ALLOWANCE ANNOUNCED                                                                                                                                 

2019, മേയ് 10, വെള്ളിയാഴ്‌ച

PRAN-Permanent Retirement Account Number

The Central Government had introduced the National Pension System (NPS) with effect from January 01, 2004 (except for armed forces). Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), the regulatory body for NPS, finalised the architecture and appointed NSDL as Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) and other entities for National Pension System. Subsequently, various State Governments adopted this architecture and implemented NPS with effect from different dates.
In NPS, a government employee contributes towards pension from monthly salary along with matching contribution from the employer. The funds are then invested in earmarked investment schemes through Pension Fund Managers.
Scheme Information
As per the present guidelines of Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority(PFRDA), contribution towards pension will be invested in the default schemes for State Government of three Pension Fund Managers (PFMs), viz, LIC Pension Fund Limited, SBI Pension Funds Pvt. Limited and UTI Retirement Solutions Limited. The proportion in which contributions are allocated among these three PFMs is decided by each of the state government, which in mentioned in the Statement of Transaction. Each of the PFMs will invest the funds in the proportion of 85% in fixed income instruments and 15% in equity and equity related instruments. Hence, in the application form for PRAN, the employees of State Government and State Autonomous Bodies need not mention the details of the schemes.

PRAN number
The PRAN or Permanent Retirement Account Number is a unique 12 digit number that identifies those individuals who have registered themselves under the National Pension Scheme (NPS). After allocation of PRAN, NPS subscribers get the PRAN card. The PRAN card serves as the unique identification  for a National Pension Scheme  subscribers throughout his/her life.

How to get PRAN number
Every employee joined on or after 01.04.2013 has to take PRAN number. there two ways to collect PRAN number.

Employees From Govt Departments
After making proper entries in SPARK ,employees have to report at the district treasuries .There are two or  three days in a week allotted  for PRAN account operation at the district treasuries. They prepare the application through online, after that ,affix the employees photographs and put signature on it. Copy of aadhaar card, bank accounts and PAN card attach along with the application form. District treasury officer put forward the application to the Central record Keeping Agency /facilitation centers. Employees can collect the PRAN kit including the PRAN card from the concerned treasuries.

Employees From LSGIs
After collecting application form from employees, Gramapanchayats directly send it to the Central record Keeping Agency facilitation centers. They send the Kits directly to the Employees.

Key Sections needed for a PRAN Card
·         Personal details of subscriber
·         Employment details of subscriber
·         Nomination details of subscriber
·         Subscriber scheme details
·         Declaration by subscriber to PFRDA (Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority)

Time Limit

It takes two weeks for availing PRAN number, The record keeping agency also gives the PRAN card.

Central Record Keeping Agency and Facilitation Centres

NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Ltd,
Ist floor,
Times Tower,Kamala Mills Compound,
Senapathi Marg,
Lower Parel,
Mumbai - 400013

Subscribers Login

Facilitation Centres

1.integrated Enterprices(india)Ltd
Near Hotel Abad Metro,
Rajaji Road ,Ernakaulam,Kochi

2.Alankit Assignments Ltd, 
A.C.T Chamber,
 1st floor, MKK Nair Road,
PIN-682025 Phone: 9747412862
 E-mail: prakashum@alankit.com

3.Karvy Data Management Services Ltd
, Cheruparampath Road,
1st Cross Road,
Phone: 0484-2310884
E-mail: tincochin@karvy.com

4. Alankit Assignments Ltd,
 T.C 40/366,
Srinivas & Krishna,
 2nd Puthen Street,
Phone: 0471-2472888
E-mail: skcatvm@yahoo.co.in

5. Karvy Data Management Services Ltd
 Second Floor,
 Akshaya Tower
Phone-0471-2725989 E-mail: tintvm@karvy.com

2019, മേയ് 4, ശനിയാഴ്‌ച




1. Applications from dependents of Government Servants who die in harness will
be considered for employment assistance under the Scheme Government Servants shall
include Contingent and work establishment personnel, part-time employees, N.M.R.
workers, seasonal employees under various Government Department permanent
labourers of the Agriculture Department and Panchayat employees.
2.Dependents of the employees of the Municipalities and Corporations who die
in harness will also be eligible for employment assistance on the pattern of this scheme.
However, their appointment shall be confined to the Municipalities and Corporations
3.Dependents of Government Servants missing while in Service, if it is not proved
otherwise as laid down in section 108 of the Indian Evidence act, will be eligible for
employment assistance under the scheme treating that the incumbent had died while in
4.Dependents of Government Servants who have availed irrespective of the
circumstances of the death (including suicide) will be eligible for employment assistance
under the scheme.
5.Dependents of Government Servants who have availed themselves of invalid
pension and in whose case death takes place before the normal date of superannuation
shall be eligible for employment assistance under the scheme.
6.The Scheme in not applicable to the employees of private Colleges.
7. (a) Employment assistance under the Scheme shall not be available to the
dependents of Government Servants who are allowed to continue in service beyond
superannuation either by extension of service or by re-employment and in whose case the
death takes place after the normal date of retirement or superannuation.
(b) The dependents of the teaching staff of all educational institutions (including
Principals of Colleges) who on completion of the age of 35 Years during the course of an
academic Year continue in Service, under Rule 60 (c) Kerala Service Rules, Part I, till the
last day of the month in which the academic year ends and who die during the period of
such continuance will be eligible for the employment assistance under the scheme.
8. Dependents of Government Servants who have retired voluntarily and in
whose case death takes place before the normal date of superannuation shall not be
eligible for the employment assistance under the scheme.

Family Income

 The maximum income or the family of the deceased Government Servant
should not exceed Rs. 8,00, 000/- (Rupees eight lakh and fifty Thousand only) per annum
to make a dependent eligible for the Compassionate Employment and this limit will be
revised from time to time.
Family income to be reckoned in the actual income available to all members
of the family from all sources other than family pension. Income from the properties of
the members of the family should also be reckoned. Income of the married sons and
daughters and other members of the family living separately shall not be reckoned for
calculating the family income. In case of disputes on income, the case shall be referred to
the concerned District Collector and the income reported by the Collector shall be
accepted as the actual income. When salary based income is calculated the pay including
all allowances except Traveling Allowances shall be reckoned for the purpose. For this
purpose, necessary amendments in the guidelines in G.O (MS) No. 192/85/RD, dated 23-
03-1985 will be issued, separately.


 (a) Only one dependent will be given employment assistance under the
scheme in the event of the death of a Government servants. Employment assistance shall
be given to the widow/widower, son, daughter in the said order of priority. Son and
daughter shall include adopted son and adopted daughter respectively and will rank after
son/daughter. No other dependent shall be eligible or given appointment under the
Minimum Service

 There shall be no minimum service restriction. Dependents of those
Government Servants who are regularly appointed and employed in Government Service
shall be eligible for the benefit of the scheme irrespective of the length of service.
Category of appointment.
Appointment under the scheme will be limited to class III& class IV posts in
the subordinates Service, Last grade Service and in part-time Contingent Service to
which direct recruitment is one of the methods of appointment. In the case of posts for
which different methods of appointment are prescribed, the appointment under the
scheme shall be set off against the quota earmarked for direct recruitment.
Qualification for posts

 The qualification prescribed for direct recruitment to the post will be apply.
No relaxations in the qualification will be allowed under the scheme.
 In the case of appointment to widow/widower and in the case of appointment to
part-time contingent posts, there shall be no upper age restriction i.e. applicants shall be
given appointment up to the age of retirement. In all other cases the upper age limit
prescribed for direct recruitment to the post shall apply.
Time limit for preferring application
 The time limit for preferring applications under the scheme will be 2 years from
the date death of Government Servants. In the case of minor, the period will be within 3
years after attaining majority.

For more details  Read the Orders


Description and Order


Scheme for the Compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who die in harness - Modified – Orders

G.O.(P)No.12/99/P&ARD 24.05.1999



Scheme for the Compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who die in harness - Further Orders issued.

G.O.(P)No.24/99/P&ARD, 18.11.1999



Compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who die in harness - Further Orders. G.O.(P)No.37/2002/P&ARD, dated 15.07.02



Married son/daughter- considered forCES

G.O.(Ms)14/2010/P&ARD dated 12.04.2010



Amendments in municipal contingent service rules for appointment through CES

G.O.(P)5/2012/P&ARD dated 24.01.2012 VIEW/DOWNLOAD


Scheme for the compassionate employment of the dependants of Government servants who die-in-harness - Withdrawals of application so as to enable another dependant of the family to make application for Employment Assistance - Modified – Orders

G.O.(P)No.37/2011/P&ARD, 15.12. 2011



Amendments in municipal contingent service rules for appointment through CES

G.O.(P)5/2012/P&ARD dated 24.01.2012 VIEW/DOWNLOAD


Out of turn priority for the dependents of employees who have met with accidents while on duty

G.O.(P)06/2012/P&ARD dated 03.02.2012  



Revised educational qualification for Various posts G.O.(P)07/2012/P&ARD dt 06.02.2012




Calculation of family income of dependents

G.O.(P)03/2013/P&ARD dated 05.02.2013




Revised eligibility for LDC ,temporary exemption for CES. 

GO(MS)No.24/2013/P&ARD -P&AR (Rules)  29.08.2013



Fixing of Norms Regarding Service Conditions of Appointees Recruited Against Supernumerary Posts-Order Issued.

G.O (Ms) No.22/2014/P&ARD 21.07.2014




Regularization of Persons Appointed in Posts created Supernumerary.

G.O (MS) No.26/2016/P&ARD-P&AR (ADVICE-C) 06.08.2016




Cancellation of order due to no joining of duty Reg.

G.O(MS)NO. 2/2017/P&ARD Dated 16.01.2017



CES scheme is applicable to dependents of Seasonal Labour Roll employees.

G O(MS)13-2017-P&ARD dated 27.05.2017



Definition of Dependent  

GO (P)1-2018-P&ARD dated 07.01.2018



Protection of consent is to be needed

GO(MS)No.5/2018 P&ARD dated 21.02.2018.



CES –family income limit for CES eligibility enhanced to Eight lakh.

GO(P) No. 07/2018 dated 28.04.2018.



2019, ഏപ്രിൽ 26, വെള്ളിയാഴ്‌ച

LTC Orders

LTC Orders
26.02. 2011
 Recommendations of the 9th Pay Revision Commission –Implementation  of LTC   Orders issued.
G.O/(P) No. 85/2011/Fin Dated, 26th February, 2011

LTC to state govt employees introduction ordres
GO(P) No.713/2012 fin dated 31.12.2012
detailed guideline for Leave Travel Concession(LTC) Govt Order GO(P) No 5/2013/fin dtd 02-01-2013

LTC  head of accounts
Gop.no.317-13-fin dated 04.07.2013
Leave Travel Concession(LTC) -Destination change-Circular
Circular No.92 - 2018 - Fin dated 05-10-2018

 Leave Travel Concession(LTC) -Clarification-CircularNo. 10/2019/Fin  dtd 02-02-2019
Application Form LTC



G. O. (P) No. 144/2013/H&FWD 22.04.2013